The Critical Role Of Today’s Talent Acquisition Team

Human Resources (HR), as a business function, has taken a new shape in the past few years and the roles and responsibilities of the human resources leadership have changed drastically with the shift in business dynamics across industries. Overall, the most impactful change has been the transformation of the HR role as not just a process-oriented department but one that plays a strategic role to solve real business problems.

The HR leaders of tomorrow are those that add operational value and recognize the most pressing business challenges and establish links between human capital decisions and business strategy. They have to work tirelessly to optimize and redefine the talent acquisition process.

What are some of the key characteristics of successful human resources leaders that ensure their role is mutually beneficial? Let’s take a look.


Strategic workforce planning


Successful HR leaders prioritize setting strategic goals that align with the overall business goals to help leaders meet short-term and long-term human capital needs. This allows them to get a competitive edge when it comes to populating the talent pipeline.

They also go the extra mile to equip line managers with adequate information and tools to keep the motivation levels high and engage the workforce. This has a direct impact on the overall workplace productivity and increases employee loyalty. HR leadership that wants to succeed also knows the importance of working closely with departments that improve the employer brand and add value to enhance the corporate culture.


Use of essential performance metrics


HR leaders must know how to speak the C-suite language using the right performance metrics to enable their workforce strategies. They know what the business is like and what the market influences are to ascertain key challenges and objectives. Newer HR leadership is integrated into the business and knows how to conduct a sales presentation as well as they are in a position to discuss employee turnover.


Capitalizing on available data


A future HR leader’s job is to design and implement talent acquisition strategies using meaningful data and making informed decisions that take advantage of modern and innovative tools and technologies. Their responsibilities also extend beyond human capital management and act as internal leaders to ensure the practices comply with local, state, and federal labor standards. As part of this mandate, the best human resources leaders identify, mitigate and report all possible risks to human capital that do not fall on the regulatory front. People-centered business risks negatively impact the company’s end goals, and may also put their reputation at risk.


Knowing when to ask for help


Like most HR departments, sometimes you might not have the ability to do it all which is why the most effective HR leadership will know when they can’t meet their tasks with the help of internal resources. Partnering with an RPO service at the right time can save an organization a lot of time and money in the long term and also allow HR leaders to focus on more integral strategic imperatives.


Advocating for employees


HR leadership that plays an integral role in helping an organization succeed does so by advocating for their employees so that they feel motivated and satisfied at work. They are responsible for investing in the employees with various empowerment initiatives, creating open channels of communication, setting goals, and creating a positive work culture that drives better consumer experiences. They conduct surveys within the organization to understand what their employees are looking for and offer a safe space for employees to stay productive at work.

See Also: Applying the Scientific Method to Recruiting and Talent Strategy

In future-focused organizations, the Human Resources teams perform an all-encompassing function and are critical to achieving the strategic goals of the company. They are the ones that attract, hire and retain the right human assets that further the cause of the organization and enable it to meet its long-term objectives.