Cloud Storage and Business Recovery: How to Protect your Data in Case of the Unforeseen
In today’s business world, information and data significantly impact business growth and continuity. Loss of data is a risk small and medium-sized businesses cannot afford to take. This implies the need for business recovery solutions designed to safeguard and protect data in case of the unforeseen. The recent Australian bushfire epitomizes the perils of the unforeseen with the total business loss expected to exceed AUD $400 Million in the form of insured losses since November 2019. These statistics from the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) represent the business loss in numbers. However, the loss of business in terms of data volume remained unprecedented.
The Impact of Unforeseen Dangers on Business Continuity
Uncontrollable threats and unforeseen dangers adversely impact business continuity and halt its progressive growth. These perils jeopardize productivity and open doors to data breach and unanticipated IT outage. Consequently, the reliance of businesses on information becomes the root cause of its disgraceful descent. These calamitous risks continue to transform business development approaches and advocate the need for a hardware-independent business recovery solution.
The Need for Cloud-Based Business Recovery Solutions
The need for an innovative disaster recovery solution gave birth to the concept of cloud storage. Businesses of all sizes and shapes are beginning to adopt cloud storage solutions to achieve a higher degree of data accessibility and storage immortality. Ensuring the unforeseen dangers don’t disrupt the business continuity, the cloud storages strive to help businesses keep composure at times of uncertainty.

Pros and Cons of Cloud Storage
The use of cloud storage helps businesses improve their data accessibility and prepares them for the unforeseen. Speed and scalability are other benefits of switching to innovative cloud-based storage systems that offer businesses a route to progressive growth and success. However, the security and privacy of information continue to be the leading concern with the innovative cloud storage systems. Besides this, bandwidth limitations also make it difficult for businesses to fully capitalize on the benefits of cloud-based storage systems.
What Businesses Need to Do?
The benefits of cloud storage outweigh the potential risks involved and making a switch to cloud-based systems is the need of the hour. With augmented data protection and improved business recovery solutions, businesses utilizing the full potential of cloud computing can maintain their business continuity even in the darkest times. Thus, businesses of all forms need to realize the importance of protecting viable data and must take the appropriate business recovery measures to ensure business continuity and progression.