Hiring Tech Talent: Conduct an Effective Job Interview
Several companies and small businesses are now resorting to hiring tech talent so that they can help innovate their supply chains and help companies move ahead in their respective markets. Hiring tech talent requires companies to invest valuable time and resources into finding the right candidate. It isn’t easy because you don’t know who the best fit might be until you test their knowledge and motivation.
Many experts believe that the integration of technology and the internet with hiring practices has allowed for more transparency regarding a company’s work culture, benefits, aims, and many other details. Thanks to this transparency, competition for hiring tech talent has become fiercer, so you must bring your A-game to conduct effective job interviews. By reading the tips below for hiring tech talent from this year’s hiring pool, you’ll be sure to attract the best candidates for your tech team regardless of your industry.
Hiring Tech Talent – Some Pro Tips to Remember:
1. Discuss the job description.
2. Avoid random questions.
3. Set clear expectations.
4. Conduct online skill assessment.
5. Leave time for the interviewee to ask questions.
7. Save time and check out Arthur Lawrence’s pool of qualified candidates.
Less Mystery, More Communication
An interview is stressful for candidates too. They have no idea what the company is like or what surprise awaits them. This additional stress changes how they would normally act in a productive work environment. Hence, it’s best to send out some information, such as the dress code and whether there will be any tests when hiring tech talent, as some are accustomed to casual wear in the office. If there are any, we recommend making sure to mention that in their phone screening. This will all begin to add up in their interview and give you a complete view of what they can and can’t do.
You can also do smaller things to make your next candidate feel more comfortable. Offer them water or coffee, ask them if they have any questions before the interview starts, and make sure to give them the tools they need when conducting a test, such as a working internet connection or a pen, before they have to ask for it.
Hiring tech talent requires rigorous testing, which is why it may be effective to give them a task to prepare from home and inform them that it will be a part of their test. This provides a look into how they can work in low-pressure or high-pressure situations, depending on your assigned task.
Make It A Group Setting
Instead of conducting the interview one-on-one, bring a tech team member (only if you’re hiring tech talent) to assess the candidate’s skills and knowledge application. This gives your team more contribution to the decision process and can give you a glimpse of whether the person works well with other people. Make sure not to include too many people, as you still want to be able to have a professional conversation.
Including another person may also relieve some of the social pressure on the candidate, especially if they see the other person as someone similar to them. If possible, give the candidate and team members some time to talk about the work environment so the potential employee can learn more about the company from the existing staff.
Look Ahead
When interviewing for hiring tech talent, try to understand how the candidate can perform their current job role and take on additional responsibility if the need ever arises. Consider asking what makes them curious and why they feel they can do well in the designated job role. Consider testing their conversational skills and asking about their hobbies to know if they enjoy hard work or anything outside their chosen field. A well-rounded candidate can be useful in several scenarios where adaptability and general knowledge are required.
One crucial element of hiring tech talent is ensuring they can perform when the market adapts a new technology. And asking about the candidate’s plans for higher education and their interest in new technologies would be a great approach. If they are looking to continue their studies, it will also speak to their availability in the coming years.
Ask the Right Questions
When you want to conduct an effective job interview, your line of questioning is the most important aspect that comes to mind. Your first question will help the candidate understand your goals and will also allow you to break the ice. We recommend starting with something unrelated to work if the candidate seems more than anxious, like how they like the office space or how their commute was.
Once the ice has been broken, you can move on to more serious questions. But there are some questions you just don’t ask. Like “what’s your biggest weakness?” Sure, it may seem like a great way to understand what the candidate feels is a challenge for him, but most candidates will simply offer a generic answer that gives little to no insight into their ability to perform their jobs. Instead, try to understand how much they know about their job and how aware they are of world events besides their work. A great option would be to ask where they think your industry is going in the next three to five years. This way, you’ll have a brief overview of their views regarding their experience in relevant roles.
Here are some other suggested questions you can ask when hiring tech talent:
– Their experience with an upcoming technology or language
– Experience working in other companies
– Hobbies besides working with tech
– Plans for their future with the company
– General plans for the future (this will provide insight into their motivations)
– Discuss a new technology that you have heard about
Once you’ve got all these questions out of the way, all that’s left is to thank the candidate and be honest with them. Inform them if they aren’t the right fit or congratulate them with an offer if they are the right person for the job.
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