How to Be a Great Manager and What Makes their Leadership Effective?
“50% of employees quit their boss, not their Job.”
This only means that senior management today must understand and train individuals filling the role to know how to be a good leader and manager. A good manager must be able to motivate and inspire their team while demonstrating strong leadership qualities. Setting clear expectations for your team and giving the support and tools they require to succeed are essential components of effective leadership. Effective team leaders can also motivate and empower their members while being approachable and attentive to their wants and needs.
A good manager is a good listener and provides support and guidance to their team members as part of effective leadership. They can also adapt and evolve as leaders and be flexible in their management style. Effective leadership is essential for any organization’s long-term success. Strong leaders can help keep the organization on track to meet its objectives, even in difficult times.
How to Be A Good Leader and Manager In 2023?
A good manager should also be able to lead by example, be a good listener, and make difficult decisions. The best way to be a good manager is always to keep your team’s needs and objectives in mind and to be open to changing and growing as a leader to meet those needs best.
1. Know Your Team
Every employee has unique strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles. As a manager, you are responsible for truly understanding each person’s characteristics to lead them and effectively foster a positive boss-employee relationship. This can be accomplished simply by observing the work they produce, and asking simple questions on a regular basis also provides information. You could also inquire, “What was your worst day at work in the last three months?” Conversations like these help you understand how to be a good leader and manager, working on fixing those problems.
2. Trust and Support Your Team
A good manager who knows how to be a good leader and manager believes in their employees’ abilities and supports them. They speak up for their group and defend them in front of higher-ups. They never micromanage and confidently assign tasks. They are aware that trusting competent workers gives them the freedom to develop professionally and at their own pace.
3. Encourage Collaboration
A crucial step for new managers is to foster a collaborative atmosphere where everyone feels heard, respected, and valued. A cohesive group fosters a friendly, encouraging culture. Establishing the tone for workplace ethics can promote collaboration as a manager.
4. Good Communication Skills
Clear communication is essential for a manager wondering how to be a good leader and manager. It is the driving force behind almost everything people do. You should be transparent about significant issues, set clear expectations for your staff, and establish procedures for providing and receiving feedback.
Leading by example—asking for assistance or admitting you don’t understand something in front of your staff—can help to foster authenticity and vulnerability. Great leaders communicate how they address issues and are aware of their strengths and weaknesses.
5. Promote A Positive and Inclusive Work Culture
The example you set for your office can significantly impact its success. Establishing a positive, enjoyable workplace where team members feel valued and respected is critical. A satisfied employee is a more effective resource. You can develop a diverse and inclusive workplace culture by modeling positive behavior every day and implementing sporadic team-building exercises.
It would help if you frequently acknowledged the accomplishments of your team. Those who understand how to be a good leader or manager acknowledge their staff and show appreciation whenever possible. Employees desire a sense of appreciation and recognition for their efforts. Giving them praise for a job well done inspires them to continue working hard.
6. Give Recognition
Employee recognition can improve team spirit and create a productive workplace. Employees may begin to care less if you fail to provide them with constructive criticism and acknowledgment. You can try team-building exercises and celebrations in addition to daily praise.
The preferred forms of recognition and desired frequency of team events should be discussed with your team. These events may be connected to your job, your volunteer work, or just for fun, but you should ensure that each one is welcoming and appropriate for your workplace.
7. Strategic Thinking
The manager’s vision and strategic thinking are highlighted by their responsibilities for managing staff and steering a team. They need substantial business expertise and original insights to control any situation’s most effective course of action. For effective decision-making, it is necessary to have an extensive understanding of the task at hand, apply strong analytical skills based on pertinent data, and predict the likely outcomes of various options.
8. Give Regular Feedback
No one is perfect, and no manager always chooses the best course of action. A manager must, however, be able to effectively receive criticism from both their leadership and their staff if they are to develop and improve.
Professionals who know how to be a good leader and manager foster a creative work environment where employees can push boundaries. For this to happen, employees must feel free to communicate honestly and openly with their superiors. Managers should be able to comprehend and successfully use the feedback they receive if given correctly.
9. Time Management
It takes exceptional time management abilities and the capacity to delegate effectively to keep track of everything and ensure the team functions effectively. This entails being aware of each team member’s skill set and capabilities. One manager cannot be in every place at once. Instead, they must realize what can be delegated to others and what is the best use of their time.
10. Possess Conflict Management Skills
Working in a team inevitably leads to conflicts. Conflict is caused by divergent viewpoints, personality clashes, and coexisting work styles, and it is the manager must resolve it through effective and proactive conflict management techniques. Managers must quickly identify and address potential conflicts to deal with them head-on and prevent them from worsening.
What Makes A Leadership Effective?
– Vision and strategy
– Communication and influence
– Decision-making
– Adaptability
– Integrity and authenticity
– Empathy and emotional intelligence
– Continuous learning
Wrap up
In short, being a good manager with effective leadership requires a combination of strong communication skills, decision-making abilities, and the ability to inspire and lead a team toward a common goal. If you’re looking to hire the right fit for your organization, Arthur Lawrence has been in the staffing industry for about two decades. Their professional team assesses your requirements and connects you with your dream team.
Also Read: What is Strategic Leadership and Why Do Businesses Need It?